For The Middle-Aged Woman Looking To Lose Significant Weight & Live An Amazing Lifestyle
"Boost Camp Reveals A Counterintuitive Approach That Helps Women Drop An Average of 10kg & Several Inches In Just 28 Days Without Dieting, Exercising, Or Giving Up Any Of Their Favourite Foods And Treats"
While also eating restaurant quality foods they love, feeling the best they have in years, and keeping it off for the long-term.
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What is the 28 Day Boost Camp?
The 28 Day Boost Camp is a counterintuitive approach that helps women drop an average of 10kg and several inches in just 28 days without any dieting, exercise, or giving up their favourite foods.

We achieve this by "healthifying" common, everyday foods without removing any of the flavour, taste, or joy of eating.

And as a result...this free's you up to lose weight without needing to diet, restrict yourself, make sacrifices, or spend hours doing mindless exercise every week  - this is the The 28 Day Boost Camp.
Only a few days left
This Offer Expires 12th May 2024
Early Bird Special Ends Sunday
Save 56% Off the Normal Price
Join Boost Camp Now! Starts June 10th
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Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
The 28 Day Boost Camp is the shortcut.
Before I created the The 28 Day Boost Camp - I was struggling with my weight for years and was on the verge of giving up.

I was always the healthy one in my family. 

I was on some sort of diet 10 out of 12 months of the year... I was taking supplements and forcing myself through boring exercises on a daily basis.

As a chef with more than 20 years of experience - I thought I knew food.

I was wrong ... what I knew was I loved food.

So much so that I found myself overweight, overworked, and lacking energy despite my best efforts to "diet" and do all the things I read I should do to lose weight.

I got myself a deal I never signed up for.

Which led me to questioning everything and eventually turning the entire model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of the old ways.

I got into the kitchen with the sole focus of making tasty recipes that are healthy, easy to make, and as good as what you find in restaurants…

And it’s these delicious and easy to prepare recipes that allowed me to lose 35 kg in less than 6 months.

It became easy because I actually looked forward to the food I was eating.

I didn’t have any cravings, and I knew the food was great for me.

And I’m proud to say these recipes made me a 5x Award Winning World Gourmand Cookbook Author⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ (which is the equivalent of winning a Golden Globe.)

Google even brought me in to create healthy and delicious culinary experiences for their VIP clients. And they LOVED it!

Now, you have the opportunity to experience the same life-changing transformation and weight loss results by joining The 28 Day Boost Camp.

Here's how it works:

Boost Camp Success Pack

You will receive a copy of my best selling eBook "Bridgets Healthy Kitchen" [via email]

Gourmand Award Winning eBook

You'll love the 100 delicious recipes and insights I share in my award winning eBook.

Meal Prep Mastery eBook

Includes a Meal Plan and ‘Go Food No Food’ Guide (Value $79.95)

Pickle Pantry eBook

These Gut-Friendly, Weight Loss Pickled Vegetables & Recipes will have you feeling the best you have in years!

Weekly Accountability Calls

Discover the real secrets behind weight loss and learn the scientific evidence behind it to fast track your progress - directly from Bridget!

Daily Support & Coaching

Tips, tricks, and how to videos you’ll look forward to each day with anticipation.

Exclusive Access To The Boost Camp Community

Connect with other campers, past campers, and our professional coaches to experience our 3-Tier Level of Accountability.

28 Day Meal-Plan Roadmap

No more guesswork. You’ll see exactly what to cook, how to cook it, and when to eat it.

My "Break Your Fast" List 

Learn how to gently break your fast each day to optimise your body's metabolic rhythm, support weight loss goals, manage blood sugar levels, and promote overall health.

My Shopping Lists

Take the guesswork out of your supermarket shop with our grocery list, keeping you focused on whole foods and not relying on expensive supplements, shakes or pre-packaged “diet” food.

My Prep Lists

Preparation is vital to stay on track, and we help you prep with ease.
Margo is 63 and has lost almost 30 kilograms.
As Featured In:
Here's How I Lost 35+ kg By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Weight Loss Model For Middle-Aged Women Upside Down 
 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover Why Boost Camp Helps Women Lose An Average of 10kg in 28 Days
Dear Future Boost Camper
From: The laptop of Bridget Foliaki-Davis
Re: Lose The Weight & Live The Life You Want To Live (...and why this is your only way out)
Would it surprise you to learn, that I completely transformed my health, and my life, by losing more than 35kg and I ate better, and more food than I did when I dieted ... and did zero exercise in the process?


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 
so let me prove it to you
But first, read this disclaimer:
I have the benefit of being a Chef and Functional Nutritionist for more than 20 years, publishing Gourmand Award Winning Books and being the Culinary Chef for Google Australia for a number of years.

The average woman who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All purchases entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT join Boost Camp.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

 With that said … let me jump right in and show you...
And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…
The same 28 Day Boost Camp model that middle-aged women from all over the world are now using to completely transform their health and lose the weight they've been trying to for years…

...And in turn lose an average of 10kg in 28 days..

...All while skipping exercise, making no sacrifices, and doing zero dieting so they can focus on losing weight

...And best of all they keep it off for the rest of their lives!
Just Like Sandra, Who Joined Boost camp And Soon After Was 48 Kilograms Lighter
Soon After Saying Goodbye To 48 KG And Then Posting This In Our Private FB Group:
Kia ora everyone, the below is what I have just posted on my personal page as it's a large chapter of the last 6 years and where I am today.

Only close friends & work colleagues knew the journey I have been on. If my story resonates with anyone, I urge you to try the boost camp for 28 days, you won't regret it and your life will be changed.

When I turned 50, I had a devastating diagnosis of spinal spondylosis, (neurological condition), which you think you will be all good after 6 weeks, but no it’s been 6 years of debilitating excruciating daily pain and being on constant heavy pain medication (that mostly didn't work).

After the first 10 days of starting my first Boost Camp I am thrilled to be off all pain medication and none taken for the Spondylosis since.

I am getting my life back (rather than just existing).

✅off ALL pain medication
✅got rid of inflammation
✅stand and walk as normal
✅no brain fog
✅sleeping 110% better
✅no more snoring
✅no pain, heartburn, gut issues
✅over half way on my super audacious goal in just 4 months

I highly recommend Boost Camp to anybody and everybody who needs the help and support to take control of their health
And even though Sandra lost a ton of weight, that's not the best part...

The best part is she slept better, lowered her inflammation levels, and got rid of her snoring, heartburn, and digestion and bloating issues.

That's right, Boost Camp results are about more than just weight loss.

And Sandra isn’t the only one either…
This Is Linda, Another Boost camp Member, Who Completed the 28 day boost camp 
Not Too Long Ago…
...And soon ...
Not only have I lost 11.3kg [25lbs] on my first camp, I have gained a love for cooking again and for looking after myself.

Inflammation has gone, my mood has lifted and above all else I feel like there is hope for sunny days ahead.

It is not just the delicious food that makes the boost camp a success, it’s the connection with other members and most importantly, with Bridget and Mahei. It is without doubt the key for me.

This is not just about the gut, the scales or the look. This boost camp 💯 is for your mind, body and soul. Thank you 🥰
Here’s another Boost Camper who saw incredible results…
Meet Margo, Who Is no longer pre-diabetic, No Longer insulin resistant, doesn't have a fatty liver anymore, and has perfect cholesterol levels
sandra, linda, and Margo are Part of a group of over 1,000 women who are losing weight
 by doing things differently…
And you can BET...

This 28 Day Boost Camp is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…
  • We don’t focus on doing massive amounts of exercise in order to get into a "caloric deficit" to lose weight.
  • We don’t focus on eating bland, boring, tasteless meals every day and sacrificing the joy that eating brings to our lives.
  • ​We don’t focus on expensive supplements that leave your wallet lighter but the scale showing the same weight.
  • We don’t focus on starving ourselves in the hope the weight falls off.
In fact: we rarely (if ever) mention the words diet, calories, or exercise at all.
Instead We eat "healthified" Versions of the foods we love, that are great for our bodies, to help them heal and have weight naturally fall off...
Like I said…
This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…
…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.
The 28 day boost Camp Freed Me From All the lies the industry preaches and It Allowed Me To lose 35kg in just 22 weeks
Here’s what my life used to look like (and if you’ve ever tried to lose weight before, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Dieting Cycle Of Doom”:
  Step 1 - You sacrifice the foods you love because you've been told they're "bad" for you ... and end up craving them more and more until you eventually overeat them and then feel guilty and ashamed for days, if not weeks, after.
  Step 2 - You starve yourself, seeing some initial results, until your natural hormones kick in and you end up consuming more to make up for the lack of calories you've been consuming (... it's about quality of food AND quantity of food - Boost Camp will help you to eat more and lose weight)
  Step 3 - You buy expensive supplements like protein powders, multivitamins, appetite suppressants, pre-workouts, fat burners and more when you don't have your lifestyle in check - so you waste money for nothing.
  Step 4 - You "diet" and only eat bland, boring, tasteless food that makes it hard to stay consistent so you see the results you want.
  Step 5 - You exercise for hours every week, increasing the inflammation in your body and experience joint pain, digestion issues, sleep issues, and mood or energy imbalances.
  Step 6 - You say f*ck it and you go back to your old habits.
  Step 7 - You see an old friend who has lost weight, get a painful diagnosis from your doctor, or are inspired to finally make the changes because of a motivational post you saw on social media or the TV ...
  Step 8 - ... and you start over again
The Dieting Cycle Of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck for years.

To be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole idea of losing weight...

...I didn't think it was possible for me...

... But before I gave up...

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked...

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

It worked.

And I spent years turning it into a system...
And I Put This Entire System Into the 28 day 
boost camp, Where You Can Start your weight loss and life transformation journey today
But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s Bridget Foliaki-Davis…

You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.

My life’s pretty good…

... I've been a Chef and Functional Nutritionist for 20+ years

... I've won 5 Gourmand-Awards for my cook books

... I've been an Executive Chef for Google Australia

... and I love to healthify your favourite foods so that they taste amazing, your body loves them, and they help weight fall off as a result.
This is me a few years ago ... and me a few days ago thanks to Boost Camp.
Boost camp Is One Of The Most Legitimate And Easy-to-Use Protocols If You Want To Actually Lose Weight and keep it off for the rest of your life.
You Don’t Even Have To exercise!
Which means you can enjoy yourself while you lose weight and don't have to push yourself to extremes in order to drop a few dress sizes...

All you have to do is follow the Boost Camp approach, eat delicious restaurant quality meals, and enjoy the process.
Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is Between The Boost camp Model And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?
Rather than doing all those things I mentioned above in order to finally see your weight drop, here’s what it looks like now..
And The Result Of Using This New Way?
Which Naturally Leads To...
I get to help women, just like you, every single day to finally see the weight loss changes they've been trying years, if not decades to achieve.

And the best part is that their husbands tell them how much they're glowing every day ... and even how they're sexy, and the romance is back in their lives.
That's the really cool thing about Boost Camp for me.

Making a real impact in the lives of incredible middle-aged women who thought their days of losing weight were behind them.

But it’s much more than that..
It’s Actually a whole new way to eat and a lifestyle to live...
How many weight loss approaches have you seen come and go through the years?
  People try the "low carb" diet and realise it's not sustainable for them...
  Or they go "Paleo" or "Keto" because it's what the media is telling them the celebrities do to keep their million-dollar figure...
  Or you've got to do the "5:2" and spend your entire weekends only drinking water because it's more in alignment with the natural way us humans are supposed to be...
I mean ... COME ON!!
boost camp Helps Women lose An Average Of 10kg Within 28 Days (...and more over the long-term)
That's right...

I said it, we help women lose an average of 10 kilograms in just 28 days...
Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the world of weight loss.

Social Media has given influencers and other people with hidden agendas the opportunity to share their own beliefs and flooded the market with "fads" and "crazes" that it's hard for people to know what's legitimate and what works.

This has created mass confusion and mass frustration for women all over the world, just like you.

Now, most of these middle-aged women are looking for a new solution...

... a better solution ...

... and as you may have guessed it - we have it.

And what's really cool is that once they complete Boost Camp they'll never go back to doing anything different ever again!

It becomes their new lifestyle, and they love it!
That's Right - given a choice, they'd rather continue living their new boost camp lifestyle than go back to a cycle of dieting and sacrificing.
Boost Camp is effective at losing weight and easy to stay consistent with because of three easy steps...
And that’s the difference here. 

When you approach your weight loss using the Boost Camp model the results are amplified and sustainable.

I’m not saying the old way of trying to lose weight is bad.

I'm just saying there's a better approach that will help you lose the weight, enjoy yourself, and create a lifestyle you love.
Here's What You Can Expect When You're On The 28 Day boost Camp.
Day 1 - 5: You will feel an immediate surge of energy and a reduction in bloating. The belly feels more comfortable, showing early signs of flattening.

Day 5 - 9: Your sleep will be much more sound, which leads to starting each day with more joy. The feeling of heaviness and brain fog starts to lift.

Day 9 - 15: You will enjoy a reduction in inflammation and a continuous drop in weight. Overall mood continues to be lifted.

Day 15 - 21: You will observe a transformation in body shape and size. Confidence soars as you notice physical changes.

Day 21+: You will have control over your day-to-day life, knowing you're making great decisions that support your body which allows you to live every day the way you want.
Boost camp is So Effective, Anyone Who Tries It Can Lose Weight
Because thousands of woman are doing it right now within the 
Boost Camp Community...

Here are some recent results:
Right now, you can join thousands of women changing their lives with boost camp and take advantage of Our special early bird pricing. 

Hurry! early bird pricing ends this sunday. this is your last chance to save 56% when you join boost camp.
This Won’t Last Long
REMEMBER: you're Also Getting 5 of my best-selling ebooks - for free!
These eBooks amplify the power of Boost Camp by adding more delicious, healthified, restaurant quality meals that you will love into your daily life.

And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for joining Boost Camp.
And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...
This Early Bird Pricing Ends on
Sunday, 12th May 2024
Early Bird Pricing Ends This Sunday!
Save 56% Off the Normal Price
Join Boost Camp Now! Starts June 10th.
I’ll talk to you in our private FB Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you join Boost Camp.

Until then, to your successful weight loss,
Bridget Foliaki-Davis

Here's What's Included In Boost Camp
  How To Lose 10kg in 28 Days (so you can Finally See The Weight Loss You've Been Trying To Achieve For Years.
  How Dieting & Sacrificing Yourself Prevents You From Losing Weight (and What to do instead)
  The little known healthified Approach To Foods That Make Them Restaurant Quality and Great For You!
  The Secret behind Inflammation, Bloating, and Digestive Issues (so you can Minimise them or Completely Remove Them From Your Life)
  The step-by-step process to Sustainable, Long-Term Weight Loss For Middle-Aged Women (so you can shortcut your results)
Early Bird Special - Ends Sunday!
Save 56% Off the Normal Price
Join Boost Camp Now! Starts June 10th.
Here's What Others Have To Say
Laura B.
"I never imagined that I could eat restaurant quality meals day in and day out and feel like I'm aging backwards."
Janelle F.
"I've tried every diet known to us and nothing works as well as this! I'm almost 62 ... I've lost over 55kg and am still going!"
Frequently Asked Questions
I've tried other programs and none of them worked for me!
We understand your frustration. What sets our program apart is our personalised approach. We tailor the program to your unique body type and preferences, ensuring better, sustainable results. Plus, our dedicated support team is here to keep you motivated. If you love to eat delicious food, then you’ll love Boost Camp. This is why Boost Camp works. Our goal is to have everyone eating their way slim and healthy.
I don't have time for complex weight loss plans.
Our program is designed for your busy lifestyle. With easy-to-follow routines and daily behaviours you can make significant progress with just a few minutes a day. Time won't be a barrier to your success!
Is there a lot of cooking involved?
Boost Camp offers an exclusive Cooking Masterclass Library, designed to make healthy cooking simple and enjoyable. These easy-to-follow classes teach you to prepare delicious restaurant quality meals quickly, ensuring your journey is hassle-free and enjoyable. Plus, our library of recipes we share constantly evolves, adding new, exciting recipes to keep your diet diverse and satisfying via our social media channels. With Boost Camp, you'll not only lose weight but also gain invaluable culinary skills, making healthy eating a delightful part of your everyday life.
Will I have to give up my favourite foods on Boost Camp?
Absolutely not! On Boost Camp, we champion balance over deprivation. Our nutrition plan is all about flexibility and enjoyment. We offer delicious, nutrient-dense restaurant quality meals, ensuring you never feel like you're missing out. With us, it's not just about eating right; it's about savouring every bite without any feelings of restriction. Our goal is for you to literally eat your way slim and healthy.
Do I Need To Exercise?
Exercise is not a mandatory component of our program. You might have heard the saying, "Summer bodies are made in the kitchen," and it's true! Our focus is primarily on nutrition and making healthier food choices, which plays a significant role in weight loss. While we encourage physical activity for overall health and well-being, it's not a prerequisite for success in our program. You can achieve noticeable results through dietary changes alone.
Join Boost Camp Now!
Early Bird Pricing Ends This Sunday!
Save 56% Off the Normal Price
Join Boost Camp Now! Starts JUNE 10th.
Boost Camp Results
Included Bonuses

Gourmand Award Winning eBook

You'll love the 100 delicious recipes and insights I share in my award winning eBook.

Pickle Pantry eBook

These Gut-Friendly, Weight Loss Pickled Vegetables & Recipes will have you feeling the best you have in years!

Meal Prep Mastery eBook

Includes a Meal Plan and ‘Go Food No Food’ Guide (Value $79.95)

Weekly Accountability Calls

Discover the real secrets behind weight loss and learn the scientific evidence behind it to fast track your progress - directly from Bridget!

Daily Support & Coaching

Tips, tricks, and how to videos you’ll look forward to each day with anticipation.

Exclusive Access To The Boost Camp Community

Connect with other campers, past campers, and our professional coaches to experience our 3-Tier Level of Accountability.

28 Day Meal-Plan Roadmap

No more guesswork. You’ll know exactly what to cook, how to cook it, and when to eat it.

My "Break Your Fast" List 

Learn how to gently break your fast each day to optimise your body's metabolic rhythm, support weight loss goals, manage blood sugar levels, and promote overall health.

My Shopping Lists

Take the guesswork out of your supermarket shop with our grocery list, keeping you focused on whole foods and not relying on expensive supplements, shakes or pre-packaged “diet” food.

My Prep Lists

Preparation is vital to stay on track, and we help you prep with ease.
Experience Results Like These With 
Boost Camp
3 Steps To Losing 10kg In 28 Days
Here's a sneak peek Of The Types Of Delicious Food You'll Eat (and lose weight eating) on Boost Camp!
In my Gourmand-Award Winning, Best Selling eBooks you're going to learn how to cook delicious and healthy food that promotes fast weight loss and makes living a healthy lifestyle easy!
 "Break Your fast" List: Learn how to gently break your fast each day to optimise your body's metabolic rhythm, support weight loss goals, manage blood sugar levels, and promote overall health. (Value $35.95)
 "Meal Prep Mastery": Makes Preparing "Healthified" Foods Easy So You Always Have Them On Hand ... Includes a Meal Plan and ‘Go Food No Food’ Guide (Value $79.95)
 "Pickle Pantry": These Gut-Friendly, Weight Loss Pickled Vegetables & Recipes will have you feeling the best you have in years! (Value $6.95)
 Shopping Lists: Take the guesswork out of your supermarket shop with our grocery list, keeping you focused on whole foods and not relying on expensive supplements, shakes or pre-packaged “diet” food. (Value $35.95)
You'll love the 100 delicious recipes and insights I share in my award winning eBook. (Value $9.95)
You're Also Getting...

Exclusive Access To The 
Boost Camp Community

Connect with other campers, past campers, and our professional coaches to experience our 3-Tier Level of Accountability. (Value $99.95)

Weekly Accountability Calls

Discover the real secrets behind weight loss and learn the scientific evidence behind it to fast track your progress - directly from Bridget! (Value $397.95)

28 Day Meal-Plan Roadmap

No more guesswork. You’ll see exactly what to cook, how to cook it, and when to eat it. (Value $35.95)
... and much more!
 Frequently Asked Questions
I don't have time for complex weight loss plans.
Our program is designed for your busy lifestyle. With easy-to-follow routines and daily habits you can make significant progress with just a few minutes a day. Time won't be a barrier to your success!
Is this going to be expensive?
We believe in making health accessible to everyone. Our program is priced affordably, and you’ll find that investing in your health now can save you costly medical expenses in the future. Plus, we offer flexible payment plans to fit any budget.
I'm not good at cooking or following strict diets.
No worries! Our meal plans are simple yet delicious, requiring minimal cooking skills. We focus on wholesome, easy-to-prepare foods that fit seamlessly into your daily routine, ensuring you enjoy every bite on your weight loss journey. 
Will I have to give up my favourite foods on Boost Camp?
Absolutely not! On Boost Camp, we champion balance over deprivation. Our nutrition plan is all about flexibility and enjoyment. We offer delicious, nutrient-dense restaurant quality meals, ensuring you never feel like you're missing out. With us, it's not just about eating right; it's about savouring every bite without any feelings of restriction. Our goal is for you to literally eat your way slim and healthy.
Is there a lot of cooking involved?
Boost Camp offers an exclusive Cooking Masterclass Library, designed to make healthy cooking simple and enjoyable. These easy-to-follow classes teach you to prepare delicious restaurant quality meals quickly, ensuring your journey is hassle-free and enjoyable. Plus, our library of recipes we share constantly evolves, adding new, exciting recipes to keep your diet diverse and satisfying via our social media channels. With Boost Camp, you'll not only lose weight but also gain invaluable culinary skills, making healthy eating a delightful part of your everyday life.
I've tried other programs and none of them worked for me!
We understand your frustration. What sets our program apart is our personalised approach. We tailor the program to your unique body type and preferences, ensuring better, sustainable results. Plus, our dedicated support team is here to keep you motivated. If you love to eat delicious food, then you’ll love Boost Camp. This is why Boost Camp works. Our goal is to have everyone eating their way slim and healthy.
Do I Need To Exercise?
Exercise is not a mandatory component of our program. You might have heard the saying, "Summer bodies are made in the kitchen," and it's true! Our focus is primarily on nutrition and making healthier food choices, which plays a significant role in weight loss. While we encourage physical activity for overall health and well-being, it's not a prerequisite for success in our program. You can achieve noticeable results through dietary changes alone.
This product is brought to you and copyrighted by Bridget's Healthy Kitchen

© 2024 BHK Collective. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss.

Consult your healthcare professional before beginning any diet or fitness regime.

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